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RN-BSN Program Info

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to the COS RN-BSN Transfer Website!  With over 90% of COS RN students planning to continue their education, the question is where will you complete your BSN? As you navigate the website, you will find the most popular dual enrollment and RN-BSN Programs.  Explore the different resources: fact sheets, time and cost commitment, and presentation videos within each institution.   

COS nursing counselor is available to assist in aligning the program that best meets your needs and creating a student educational plan that ensures a smooth and successful transition to your BSN Program. Your future is GIANT!


Amelia Sw​eeney 

College of the Sequoias Nursing & Allied Health Counselor

In Person Appointments: Call 559.730.3715 or 559.730.3728 

Self Schedule an Appointment

Hours: M: 8:0am-3:00 pm; T: 9:30 am-3:00 pm; W&Th: 8:00 am-1:30 pm



CSU Stanislaus

Grand Canyon University

​​​​​​Grand Canyon University 


NCEP Partner Flyer.pdf

University of Phoenix

​​​​​​​​​University of Phoenix ​


Community College + University of Phoenix Tuition Benefits

CSU San Marcos

​​CSU San Marcos  

RN to BSN Flyer

Click on the image below to view video. 

Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 8.35.05 PM.png

CSU Bakersfield

Samuel Merritt University

​​​​Samuel Merritt University

ABSN 2022-2023.pdf​​​​​​

RN to BSN 2022-2023.pdf

BSN Flyer.pdf​​

MSN FNP Flyer 2022-2023.pdf​​​

Fresno State

​​​​​Fresno State 

​Click to view any of the documents below: 

RN-BSN Fall 2022 COS.pdf

RN to BSN Brochure.pdf

R​N-BSN COS to FS 2020-21 Roadmap

Click on the image to view video: 

Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 11.00.12 AM.png

Western Governors University

​​​​​Western Governors University

WGU BSN Program 522.pdf


WGU RN to BSN to MSN 2023_2024.pdf​​​​

CSU Long Beach

CSU Long Beach

​Cal State Long Beach

CSULB RN-BSN Information Sheet.pdf 

CSULB Rn to BSN PowerPoint.pdf


CSU Dominguez Hills

CSU Dominguez Hills

​​CSU Dominguez Hills

CSUDH RN-BSN Brochure.pdf

BSN Summer Fast Track flyer su2024_.pdf​​​

Click on the image below to watch video.

Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 8.00.36 PM.png

CSU Fullerton

​​​​​CSU Fullerton

Click on the image below to watch the video:


Ohio University

​​​​​​​​​​Ohio University - Online

Ohio University Online-Nursing-Early-Start Webinar.pdf

Ohio University RN to BSN​​​