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COS Board Meetings

Content Editor ‭[1]‬

Regular meetings of the College of the Sequoias Board of Trustees are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00 PM in the COS Board Room located at 915 S. Mooney Blvd. in Visalia, unless otherwise noted. Regular meetings are open to the public. Board Agendas are available for public viewing no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting date.  Agendas for special meetings are posted according to the Brown Act time lines.  Meeting minutes are available the following month after the board has approved the minutes.​

Annual Board Agenda ​​Planning Calendar​​​​​​
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Current Meeting Year Selected: 

Documents of Selected Meeting

Content Editor ‭[2]‬

Closed Session:

Though board meetings are held in public, the board may meet in closed session for certain purposes defined by law, including personnel issues, disciplinary actions, legal proceedings and employee relations.

Public Comment:

During "Public Comment", anyone may address the board on any topic not on the agenda.  The board can only act on items on the meeting agenda.  However, it may direct that a topic be placed on a future agenda for consideration.  Speakers are allocated five minutes each, with a total of 15 minutes per topic.  The board may alter the time allowance as warranted.  Derogatory remarks about the political, religious or racial views, character or motives of any person or group of people are considered out of order.  In extreme cases, the board may exclude persons whose disorderly conduct precludes accomplishment of the business of the meeting.