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 Request CSU or IGETC Certification

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Request For CSU GE-Breadth and IGETC Certification

  • Students may be certified to meet lower division general education requirements for transfer to the CSU and UC.
  • When fully certified, students may be eligible to earn a certificate of achievement conferred by COS.
  • The request for GE certification should be filed during your last semester at COS and once you have accepted an admission offer at the 4-year university.
  • Certification might not be necessary if all of your college coursework was taken at the College of the Sequoias unless requested by certain CSU/UC campuses. However, if you have taken college coursework outside of COS, you should have met with a counselor before completing this GE Certification request.
  • To request to be GE certified for transfer, please complete the request form by selecting the request button below: 
  • ​​                     ​5.png

​Please allow 7-10 business days for evaluation and processing. We will contact you should we have any additional questions.

Transfer Certification

  • ​The Articulation Office and Admissions & Records handle CSU GE-Breadth and IGETC certification requests. If you have any questions, please contact Mai Her (​) or Yee Lee (​). 
  • All coursework outside of College of the Sequoias and/or external exams, such as AP and IB scores, must be on file with the COS Admissions Office to be applied for GE transfer certifications. 
  • Students who do not have high school coursework, college coursework, or approved examinations to clear the language equivalent to two years/second level of high school instructions can use this form: COS LOTE Certification (fillable).pdf
  • The Articulation Officer has the final determination of coursework and/or external exams applied to GE certification.
  • As a courtesy, the Admission & Records, upon your request, will mail or deliver proof of certification to your transfer university free of charge.

