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The COS Athletic Training Facility is located on the southern aspect of the Moro Building. Updated in 2011, the facility is the main site serving the college’s sixteen sports as well as a laboratory classroom for students in the sports medicine program. Student athletes come to the facility for prevention, immediate care, and rehabilitation of injuries.

The facility has a main treatment area with 12 tables, modality machines with Ultrasound, electrical stimulation, laser, and Game Ready cold water compression units. It also has a designated room for cryotherapy treatment with a large whirlpool tub, three ice machines, and a hydration preparation area.

The facility contains a rehabilitation space with a variety of cardiovascular equipment such as stationary bikes, an elliptical machine, and a treadmill as well as resistance bands and dumbbells. Athletes also use this area for stretching and foam rolling in addition to rehabilitation exercises.

All taping and wrapping is done on an extensive taping counter that also serves as a place for students in the sports medicine program to practice their skills. The athletic training facility has multiple storage spaces as well as private offices for staff athletic trainers.

Located in the Porter Field House is a satellite athletic training room used during volleyball and basketball games that provides staff with a place for immediate care and preventative taping during those events. ​​​