Parking permits for students will be required for the Spring (2025) semester begining on January 13, 2025. Students may park in any parking lot with white parking space markings with a valid digital student parking permit. Student parking permits will be available for purchase online for $25.00 at beginning on January 1, 2025.
Digital staff permits are required to park in Faculty or Reserved parking lots (Yellow markings) and can be obtained online at: Staff/Faculty permits will expire 2 years from date of the order.
College of the Sequoias is implementing a new type of parking permit this semester for students in the form of a virtual permit. Students will be required to log onto the parking web site and create a user profile. Once this is completed they are able to enter their vehicles information. Once the permit is purchased, it will automatically be loaded into our system and valid for the semester. There will no longer be an actual physical permit having to be attached to the vehicle and the whole process will be completed on line.
Staff parking permits will now be virtual moving forward and will be tied to the vehicle's license plate. All current Staff parking permits are valid for 2yrs from the date of order.
Summer permits are available now and are $10.00 for all 3 of the summer sessions. : Summer permits are available at:
Hours of enforcement are Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
Parking permits are not required on weekends, holidays, or between semesters. All other parking violations are enforced 24/7.
Parking permit refunds are allowed if all classes are dropped within two weeks of purchase, but no later than four weeks after the start of each semester. To request a refund, contact the District Police Department at
730-3726 or in-person at the Police Department on the Visalia campus.