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Tell A Giant - Report It!

Tiled Heroes

Content Editor ‭[1]‬

​If you are dealing with an emergency, please call 911. For an immediate response to other situations, call the COS District​ Police Dept. on the Visalia Campus - 730-3999 / Tulare Campus - 688-3299 / Hanford Cam​pus - 583-2599 before filling out the referral form below.

For questions or assistance in completing any of the reports below, please contact 559-737-6238 or email  ​

See Something - Hear Something - Do Something - Tell A Giant!

2-Column Content

Content Editor ‭[2]‬

We are committed to providing excellent service to our campus community. We have developed several systems to collect your input above. In the event that you cannot find a place to file a concern or a complaint, please feel free to submit your statement to the email address provided below. This address should only be used for a situation that does not fit any of the descriptions above. Be sure to use the main reporting forms if they are applicable to avoid any delay in processing your statement. As always, if you have questions about anything, contact us at 559-737-6238 /​

LGBTQ+ Support Contacts:

Matthew Nelson -

Jessica Morrison -

Campus Incident Reports / Student Complaints

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The College of the Sequoias is committed to creating a safe, supportive learning and working environment for all members of the campus community. 

The College depends on its community members to identify and report behaviors of concern so that the College can provide distressed students and employees with appropriate support services and resources. We are all responsible for the ​​well-being of our campus community, so if you become aware of a problem, use the reporting forms below to get some help.​ 

The reports will be forward to the Resolution & Advocacy Team (RAD), where it will be assigned to a team member for case management.


2021 BIT Training (Zoom - 5/5/21)


​​​​​​​​Report Student ​​Misconduct​

College of the Sequoias seeks to foster a climate of safety and academic success that requires the involvement of all campus community members. The Student Misconduct Report is provided to allow faculty and staff to report observed behavior that warrants concern for the safety of the campus and the individuals involved. Use this form to document violations of the college's Student Code of Conduct (AP 5500).  

This report may only be submitted by faculty / staff.

Submit a Student Misconduct Report (staff sign-in required)​


Report Academic Dishonesty​

Academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, or academic fraud is any type of cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data, deception of an instructor by providing false information for missing an exam or deadline or claiming to have submitted coursework. It also can include using paid services to complete an assignment or providing test answers for money as well as impersonation by assuming a student's identity with an intent to advantage a student.  

This report may only be submitted by faculty / staff.

Submit an A​​​ca​​de​mic Dishonesty Report (staff sign-in required)​​​​​​

Report aN Individual of Concern​

This report allows anyone to alert the Resolution & Advacacy Department (RAD Team) regarding behavioral concerns you have about a student or anyone connected to the campus community. Your concerns may relate to the well-being of the student, mental health, or may relate to concerns about whether the student might present a future threat to the campus community. You should provide as much detailed information as possible in the narrative. In the concerns section of the form select behavioral concern or student concern.​​

Submit an Individual​ of Concern Report


​​Report a Student Complaint​

The Student Complaint Procedures are established so that students can resolve difficulties/problems they encounter in college-related activities. Student complaints are taken seriously; therefore, the complaint must be of a compelling, substantive, and verifiable nature. Repeated filings of the same complaint, filings of a frivolous nature, or capricious complaints against school personnel will be considered abuse of the student conduct and/or complaint process.

This complaint may be made anonymously - you do not have to identify yourself.  However, we do encourage you to identify yourself in order to allow for additional questions and feedback.

This form is only an intake form to start a conversation with the parties involved. Submitting this form does not start the ​COS Student Grievance process pursuant to AP 5530.

Submit a Student Complaint Form​​​​​

Report Sexual Misconduct  ​​

To create a safe campus, it is important that everyone has accurate information about confidential resources and reporting options. When sexual misconduct is not reported or taken seriously, it cannot be effectively addressed.

Many who experience sexual misconduct do not report it because they fear that nothing will happen or they will not be believed. COS takes all reports of sexual misconduct seriously and works with complainants to prevent and respond to retaliation. Those concerned about the consequences of reporting are encouraged to seek confidential assistance.

Sexual Misconduct includes sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking behaviors.

Submit a Sexual ​Misconduct Report

For additional information on Title IX issues, please click h​ere​.

REPORT Unlawful Discrimination

​This report allows anyone to report sexual harassment or any type of unlawful discrimination or harassment based on any of the following statuses: race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, or sexual orientation of any person, or military or veteran status, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics.  (COS Policy on Discrimination - AP 3430)

Submit a Report of Unlawful Discrimination or Harassment

​For additional information on discrimination issues - please click here​.