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Application Process

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​RN and LVN-RN Advanced Placement/Apprenticeship Program Applica​tion Period​

For Admission to Fall Semester:​

Applications are available November 1st through February 1st, with an application deadline of February 1st.​​​​

​For Admission to Spring Semester:​

Applications are available May 1st through July 15th, with an application deadline of July 15th.​​

*Applicants must apply with an​ application to the correct term. Do not use a previous application as instructions are subject to change.

*COS RN and LVN-RN Programs will ONLY accept the higher score of the first two attempts at the TEAS 7, previous versions of the TEAS are no longer accepted.

*In order for an application to be valid for evaluation, a minimum of 12 questions must be answered correctly on the Information Tutorial Test on the application. Failure to meet this score is considered to be an incomplete application, resulting in denial. All answers can be found on the Information Tutorial.

​Application Stats



  • Please review this document to review common mistakes made on the application and how to correct them: Common RN Application Mistakes.pdf​​​

  • ​​​​​​​RN and LVN-RN Advanced Placement  applicants who have failed or withdrawn once from any other RN program can only be admitted one time to the COS program.

  • Per SB 1183, the COS RN Program is now allowed to award application points to applicants who reside in a Medically Underserved Area/Population. (MUA/MUP). Please review the multi-criteria selection matrix, criteria 7 (special life experiences or special circumstances) to see how to ​qualify for these points.

  • To download the Certification of Language Proficiency Form, please click this link:  Certification of Language Proficiency.pdf

  • For a quick access quide to the Nursing Program requirements, please follow the link to the flyer: Nursing Program Requirements Flyer.pdf​​​​​. Also be sure to check out the video on this page.

  • Application Checklist.pdf

  • ​​​COS RN Application FAQs.pdf

Instructions on how to request unofficial COS transcripts:

​Please note: Applicants cannot send official electronic transcripts from COS to COS. For any ​coursework completed at COS please include an unofficial transcript with your application, as required.

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