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Library/Learning Resource Center (LRC)

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​​Helpful Library/LRC Links:​

  • Library/LRC Frequently Ask Question​s (FAQs)​
  • Librarians & Staff
  • Academic Program Liaison Libr​arians​​​​
  • Academic Databases​​​​
  • Ask a Librarian​​​
  • ​​Library Instruction Request
  • Textbook Scanning Request​
  • Laptop and Hotspo​t Request​

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


    Summer 2024 Library Hours

    (June 6 - August 1)

    Visalia - ​Lodgepole, (559) 730-3825
    Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm​​

    Tulare - Building A, 2nd Floor, (559) 688-3087
    ​Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
    Hanford - Education ​Building, E66, (559) 583-2538​​
    Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

    ​Call Ask a Libr​arian in Visalia: (559) 737-6179

    livechat.jpgChat with a Librarian​​​​​          libcal.pngBook a​ Study Room​

    ask.pngAsk a Librarian​           appt icon.PNGLibrarian by Appointment
