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How to Submit Forms​

See below on how you can submit documents to the Admissions & Records or Financial Aid Offices. 

  • Secure Upload - Go to

  • U.S. Mail - Print and complete the document(s) you need to submit.  Place document(s) in an envelope, add postage and address the
    envelope to the department you are sending it to, Admissions & Records Office or Financial Aid Office.  See below.

​                                                       College of the Sequoias
                                                       (Name of department here)
                                                       915 S. Mooney Blvd.
                                                       Visalia, CA  93277​   ​

  • ​Fax - Documents may be faxed to the following numbers.  Make sure if your document is double-sided, you scan both sides. 
                                        Admissions & Records Fax (559) 737-4883         Financial Aid Fax (559) 737-4840            

  • Email - Admissions & Records is the only department that is accepting emailed documents.  You can send Admissions & Records 
                   documents to
    • Please Note: Financial Aid documents should be submitted via upload above. Do not submit financial aid documents to the admissions email as they will not be accepted or processed.

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​Document Instructions

How to Upload Files

2. Enter your Banner ID number @00XXXXXX (COS Student ID#) and date of birth in the format shown on screen.  Click VERIFY. 
    Note: If you do not know your Banner ID number, you can call Admissions & Records or Financial Aid.  You will need to answer
    some questions.
3. Your name and email will appear.  Make sure this is a good contact email, if not, go ahead and update.  Check the box  
    confirming the email is correct. 
4. Enter your phone number.  This needs to be a number we can contact you in case there are any questions. 
5. Select Document Type.  Click on the drop-down menu and select the name of the form you are uploading.  
6. Click on Choose File.  This will prompt you to select the document on your computer or other devices you want to upload. 
7. Select the document and click SUBMIT.  Note: Make sure it follows the size guidelines.  PDF, Word, Excel are also acceptable file formats. 
8. You will receive an email notification. Once your document has been confirmed as received by the proper personnel,  
    an email notification will be sent by Reporting <>. ​

How to Get Documents Ready to Upload/email

​​​Click on the following for instructions.

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​​​​*Scroll down the page, after the instructions, for available forms.*

​Admissions & Records (559) 730-3727

Financial Aid (559) 730-3747​​
