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 High School to College

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Learn about different resources to help you move forward from here.

Virtual Transition Night:  How things will change after high school, and what options and services are available for transitioning students. 

Please view the slides here:  Powerpoint Slideshow​​​​​​​

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Sign up for COS and Access & Ability Center services:​


​1. Complete a COS Web Application

Access the COS application through CCCApply. Submit the COS application online and print a copy of the confirmation page for your records. There are two parts, a CCC ID and then the actual COS application.

2. Sign Up for the Access & Ability Center

Complete our AAC Application​. If you need help, we are happy to assist. 

  • In the Application, you can upload verification of disability or qualifying condition. Documents such as IEPs, 504 Plans, Doctor/Therapist notes, medication lists, or similar documents may count as verification. 

  • If you believe our services would help you but don't have any documentation to upload, please complete the same application and let us know the best time to reach you by phone so we may schedule an “AAC Interest" appointment with our Learning Specialist.

3. Attend the Intake Appointment to Authorize Your AAC Services

Once we have reviewed both parts of your paperwork, we will contact you to schedule an appointment to plan your classes and accommodations.

4. Apply for Financial Aid

Complete the FAFSA application website at  (if student is a US Citizen)

Complete the Dream Act application at  (if student is not a US Citizen)

5. Register for Classes

Pick times/days of courses for your first semester, attend AAC STEPS, or connect with Kyle Campbell ( to get help signing up for classes. Students can also register online. Here are the steps for registering for classes.

6. Complete the COS Orientation

New COS students are required to complete an online orientation by logging into your MyGiant account, or attending COS Giant Days.

We reccommend you also attend our Bridge to COS Event (new AAC student orientation; usually at the beginning of August).

7. Stay in Touch

Contact Kyle Campbell ( regularly for ongoing support, as well as our AAC office to keep up to date with your services and AAC accommodations. To remain active in our program, you must have a minimum of one contact per year with our office.

Want to learn more? 

There are many different reasons why going to college after high school can be a great option:

  • Improved self-esteem and confidence: Knowing that you are part of something bigger than yourself and learning about the world you live in can make you feel more valued.

  • Independence and Interdependence: Going to college will help you learn how to make more decisions, leading to increased autonomy. Also, learn how people need to cooperate together to make things work.

  • More opportunities: More education leads to more opportunities and choices.

  • Get to know yourself: Becoming disciplined through studying and pursuing goals can help you examine yourself and will make you discover more about who you are, who you want to be, and how to get there.

  • Give back: Serve as a role-model to children and others who have not gone to college by learning how to make a difference in your community.

  • More job security, more respect, better earnings, and something that can never be taken away from you - an understanding of how the world works, and where you fit in to that world

The Access & Ability Center offers assistance, support, and encouragement for students wanting to pursue college. We look forward to meeting you and helping you reach your educational goals!

 College Degree or Certificate

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​College of the Sequoias, Ac​cess & Ability Center

 Entering into Employment

Department of Rehabilitation, Visalia

 Basic Skills/Professional Certificate

Visalia Adult School

Tulare Adult School ​

