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 CSU Transfer Success Pathway & UC Dual Admission

 CSU Transfer Success Pathway (TSP)

​​​​​​​​​Transfer Success Pathway (TSP) is a program that provides a dual admission opportunity for eligible first-time, first-year students enrolling at COS who commit to transferring to a California State University (CSU) within three years.

CSU​​​​ TSP​​ Eligibility:

  • Open to first-time, first year California community college
  • Graduated high school in 2023 or after, and did not receive any college credit after high school graduation.
  • Students who took courses in high school through Dual Enrollment are eligible
  • Wasn't eligible to attend the CSU at the time of graduation from high school.
  • Didn't attend a CSU because of personal or financial reasons.​
Participating CSUs: While all 23 CSU campuses participate in TSP, each CSU campus determines which programs are eligible for a TSP agreement. Nursing or programs that require a portfolio or audition are not eligible for a TSP agreement.​

Benefits of CSU TSP:

  • Receive guaranteed admissions to the degree program and campus of your choice if all requirements are met
  • Receive personalized guidance from CSU representatives to create an educational plan that will help you transfer within three years or less​

If this is your first semester at COS and you'd like to join CSU Transfer Success Pathway, follow these steps:

Enrollment period: August 1st - September 30th​

  1. Create an account on the CSU Transfer Planner: Set up your account on the CSU Transfer Planner to begin your pathway to a CSU.
  2. Find your right fit: Explore all 23 CSU campuses and over 4,000 degree programs to discover which university and major align with your goals. Once you've chosen, review the degree program's transfer requirements in the CSU Transfer Planner.
  3. Sign an agreement with your chosen CSU by September 30th: Check your eligibility for a TSP agreement. Once eligible, sign a TSP agreement with your selected CSU to guarantee admission for a future term.
  1. Access CSU services: In addition to the services you receive from your community college, as a student in the Transfer Success Pathway program you can get support and answers to your questions – including pre-admission advising – through your CSU. 


  • ​You may only sign one TSP agreement.
  • If your plans change, you can cancel the agreement through the CSU Transfer Planner.
  • Schedule a meeting with Sunny Vang, the COS Transfer Counselor to understand the implications of voiding a TSP agreement.​

Additional Information and Resources

​CSU Transfer Success Workshops – Join a workshop to learn more about CSU Transfer Success Pathway (TSP)


-Check back in August/September

-High school senior webinars – Check back in February​

-Zoom link TBA

-Registration link TBA

 UC Dual Admission

UC Dual Admissions is an invite-only, conditional admission guarantees to a participating UC campus. Participants are offered extra support from the UC while they fulfill their transfer requirements at COS. There is a 3-year agreement and students may transfer anytime between those 3 years as long as requirements are met.

High school seniors must apply to the UC to be invited. This program is designed for high school applicants to the UC. If you received the invitation, you've been selected for UC Dual Admission!

If you are not eligible for UC Dual Admission program, we encourage you to talk to the COS Transfer Counselor about a Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG).

UC Dual Admission Eligibility: Must meet all criterias

  • Applies to a UC campus but was not admitted
  • Has at least a 3.0 UC GPA at the time of First-Time Freshman UC application
  • Is missing one or more A-G subject requirements at the time of high school graduation
  • Is graduating from a California high school.
  • Be a California Resident/AB 540
Participating UCs: UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, UC Merced, UC Irvine, UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine. Only majors participated in TAG qualifies UC Dual Admissions

Benefits of UC Dual Admission program

  • Guarantee admission to the selected UC and Major.
  • Support from UCOP, UC campuses, and other UC programs throughout their transfer journey
  • Transfer advising and communication through a UC TAP account
  • Invitation to transfer events hosted by the receiving and/or local campus
  • Waiver of application fee to the Dual Admission campus upon transfer

If you get invited to participate in the Dual Admission Program and would like to participate, follow these steps:

Opt-in between June 1st - August 1st. 

  1. Accept your offer: Opt-in to the UC Dual Admission program by the deadline through your UC application.
  2. Choose your UC campus and fulfill that school's Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) requirements
  3. Enroll in a California community college
  4. Create a UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) account: UC will use the UC TAP tool to communicate with you about the Dual Admission program. Please make sure to use the same email address for UC TAP that you used on your UC application.
  5. Update UC TAP each academic term
  6. Apply to transfer to UC!

Additional Information and Resources

For questions about the UC Dual Admission Program, email


Are you a current High School Senior and interested in the CSU Transfer Success Program or UC Dual Admission?

Complete our interest form​

TSP interest form.PNG

HS Senior Dual Admission wCOS (Postcard (US)).pdf

 For Current COS CSU TSP/UC Dual Admissions Students

We understand students may reconsider their transfer plans as their goals and interests change. 

If you would like to change your COS major and or be release from your TSP/UC Dual Admissions agreement, you must meet with Sunny Vang, the COS Transfer Counselor​ to discuss the implications.

Here are the steps to request release of your TSP/UC Dual Admissions agreement.

How to void your CSU TSP Agreement?​

  1. Log into your CSU Transfer Planner Account 
  2. Request release button at bottom of page 
  3. Provide Reasoning, be sure of decision 
  4. Students' requests will undergo review and may take a few days. Student will not be able to enroll in another TSP during the enrollment period until review is completed 
  5. If it's outside of the student's initial enrollment period, students will no longer be eligible to have a TSP agreement with another CSU. 
  6. CSU will confirm release from TSP agreement. 
  7. Student will receive an email of this confirmation 

*Note: Students can still transfer to a CSU without a TSP agreement 

How to void your UC Dual Admissions agreement?

  1. Log into student’s UC TAP account. Assuming student used the same email address to set up both the UC TAP and UC Application.  
  2. Student should see UC Dual Admission information on their UC TAP homepage 
  3. Student will see a link to opt out 
  4. They click on the link, provide a reason for opting out 
  5. Submit 
Opt Out screen shot.png
*Note: Students could still transfer to a UC without UC Dual Admission ​

Next Steps after being released of TSP/UC Dual Admissions agreement
  1. ​Meet with a counselor 
    1. Review and update ed plan  
    2. Explore transfer options  
    3. Transfer Application if applicable 
  2. ​Monitor your progress 
    1. Meet with counselor every semester to update SEP as needed 
    2. Connect with the COS Transfer Counselor to help you navigate any changes to your plan or transfer campus 
  3. Stay informed on Transfer Resources 
    1. ​Attend transfer application workshops at the COS Transfer & Career Center if applicable 
    2. Attend Transfer Day 
    3. Meet with 4-year transfer representatives 
    4. Enroll in our Transfer 101 Resource Canvas Shell ​
