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 Getting Started

 High School Students
 Returning Students


 Steps to Enroll & Register

1​​​ ​Complete a CO​​S Web Application. Required for all new and returning students.​
Submit an Admissions application using CCCA​p​ply. Submit the application online and print a copy of t​he confirmation page for your records. For more information, please call (559) 730-3727. Make sure your name reads the same on both the Application and Orientation Form. ​
2 ​Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible.
Complete and submit a Free Appl​ication for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or pick up FAFSA forms in the Financial Aid Office in Sequoia Room 105 or at the Hanford Center. Click here for Scholarship Information.
3 ​Meet with a counselor.
New students pursuing a certificate/degree/transfer program are required to see a COS counselor for academic counseling and a Student Education Plan. To schedule an appointment, please call (559) 730-3741 or (559) 730-3715 for the Visalia campus; or call (559) 583-2500 for the Hanford campus; or call (559) 688-3000 for the Tulare campus. Or visit the online scheduling link,​.
4 ​Register for COS classes.​
You must complete Step 1 before registering.
Click here to Register for Classes . First log in: UserID - Social​ Security n​umber or Banner ID number. PIN - your birth date (mmddyy). Change your PIN after the first login. Click Web Registration Instructions for more information.
Make sure to check your schedule for accuracy​​. ​​​
5 Complete COS Web Orientation.
You must complete Step 1 before orientation.​​
New students pursuing a certificate/degree/transfer program are highly encouraged to complete their online orientation​. First Time Freshmen straight out of high school will be sent info regarding their Giant Days Orientation via their COS email. For more information email or call ​(559) 737-6225​.​

Helpful Contacts 
General Admissions or Registration Inquiries Phone:  
(559) 730-3727 or email 
​Residency Inquires Inquiries: (559) 730-3773 or email:
Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Inquiries: ​ ​

 Activate Your Email

Activate and check regularly your COS Giant Email Account as this is the official means of communication between COS students and the College. Go to COS B​anner Web to activate.

Submit High School Transcripts

If you are under 21 - Request the last high school attended to send one transcript of work completed or attempted. If applicable, have G.E.D. scores or a copy of the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE) sent to the Admissions and Records Office. Send one completed transcript of work attempted from each college attended, whether or not credit was earned to the COS Admissions & Records Office.

Transcripts are to be official copies sent directly from previous schools to:
Admissions and Records Office
College of the Sequoias
915 S. Mooney Boulevard
Visalia, CA 93277
*All transcripts will become the property of College of the Sequoias and will not be released to the student or another institution.

Noncredit Courses Are Also Available 

Additional Helpful Contacts
Records, Transcripts Inquiries Phone: 
(559) 730-3775 or (559) 730-3718

Graduation orCertificate Inquiries Phone: 
(559) 737-6261

External Credit Petition Inquiries Phone: 
(559) 737-6129 or (559) 737-4873

Grade Inquiries​​
Phone: (559) 737-6217​​

 Helpful Contacts

