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Institutional Program Review Committee

Content Editor ‭[1]‬


  • Make recommendations to District Governance Senate on policies and procedures related to program review.
  • Evaluate the program review template, ensuring alignment with the District mission, accreditation standards, and District planning.
  • Provide Training and technical support for those preparing Program Reviews.

IPRC Operational Guidelines​

  • The IPRC reaches its decisions by consensus wherever possible; otherwise by a majority vote.
  • The views of all members are sought/solicited.
  • Discussions of individual program reviews are held in confidence.
  • Evaluations of program review templates and processes are conducted annually at the end of the current program review cycle.
  • Feedback is solicited from all areas that participated in program review that cycle. The entire IPRC reviews the responses and determines what changes should be made.
  • Members will abstain from voting when there is a conflict of interest.
  • One co-chair will be elected by the majority of the membership to represent IPRC on the District Governance Senate.

P​rogram Review Resources

Use this link to access Program Revie​w Reso​urces page. It is a compilation of links to quick​ly access Nuventive Improve, ​data links, and the Program Review Quick-Guide​. ​​

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  Enter a Vimeo Video ID here to insert a video at the top of this column.
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  Enter a Vimeo Video ID here to insert a video at the top of this column, stacked with the video above.


AE Filter Web Part

Academic Year Selected: 

​Reference Documents


Documents of Selected Meeting


Committee Chairpersons

Christian Anderson
Francisco Banuelos

Content Editor ‭[2]‬

​​Committee Mem​bers
