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Master Plan Task Force--The College of the Sequoias Master Plan 2025-2035

Content Editor ‭[1]‬

The Master Plan is a comprehensive data-informed document that outlines College of the Sequoias' mission statement, purposes, and goals for the next decade. In the District's cycle of​ integrated planning, this Master Plan is the foundation for other planning efforts.

The College of the Sequoias Master Plan 2025-2035​

As part of the COS Integrated Planning Model, the College of the Sequoias Master Plan 2025-2035 is a long-term plan that will identify and analyze the academic programs and student services that the District provides to its students and communities. The plan is grounded in an analysis of both internal realities, such as the District's current programs and services, and external influences, such as demographic trends and the local educational interests and workforce needs. For an overview and specific timeline information on the Master Plan Process and, specifically, the Master Plan Task Force Timeline, please see: 

The Master Plan Task Force is a group that works closely with the Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Committee and District Governance Senate to enlist district-wide involvement in the process of writing the College of the Sequoias' 10-year master plan. The task force is comprised of faculty, staff, administrators, and students that monitor and contribute to completion of the College of Sequoias Master Plan 2025-2035. However, this group is not a governance group and does not have the authority to approve documents.

For the PowerPoint presented at the latest Master Plan Forum on February 2, 2024, please click here​!

Please visit the COS Institutional Planning Website for the following: Current and previous planning documents including COS Master Plan 2015-2025, Strategic Plans, Annual and End-of-Cycle Reports on the Master Plan, and COS Integrated Planning Manual.

Current Chapter Drafts:  

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AE Filter Web Part

Selected Academic Year: 


Documents of Selected Meeting

Content Editor ‭[2]‬

Task Force​ Members​
