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RN-BSN Program Info

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to the COS RN-BSN Transfer Website!  With over 90% of COS RN students planning to continue their education, the question is where will you complete your BSN? As you navigate the website, you will find the most popular dual enrollment and RN-BSN Programs.  Explore the different resources: fact sheets, time and cost commitment, and presentation videos within each institution.   

COS nursing counselor is available to assist in aligning the program that best meets your needs and creating a student educational plan that ensures a smooth and successful transition to your BSN Program. Your future is GIANT!


Amelia Sw​eeney 

College of the Sequoias Nursing & Allied Health Counselor

In Person Appointments: Call 559.730.3715 or 559.730.3728 

Self Schedule an Appointment

Hours: M: 8:0am-3:00 pm; T: 9:30 am-3:00 pm; W&Th: 8:00 am-1:30 pm


