Recommended to be complete prior to entry into RN Program
¨ Psychology 1
¨ One of the
Following: Communication 1, 4, or 8
¨ One of the
Following: Nursing
106, Soc 1, or Anthro 10
¨ One of the
Following: Humanities (Area C)
¨ One of the
Following: History
17, 18, or Pols 5
¨ Math Competency - Math 230 or
Prior to first class session, students accepted into the Nursing Program must complete the following:
¨ Attend Mandatory Orientation: Students starting in Fall semester must attend in April. Students starting in Spring semester must attend in October.
¨ Obtain an American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR card
¨ Possess a valid California Driver’s License and California Auto Insurance
¨ Health Clearance (Immunizations & Physical Exam)
*Upon successful completion of the RN Program, the CA Board of Registered Nursing requires students to complete application paperwork which includes mandatory disclosure of your Social Security number and fingerprint screening in order to take the state licensure exam. If you have ever been convicted of offenses, other than traffic violations, it is recommended that you contact the RN Division Office or the BRN for further information: (916) 322-3350 or |
Student Information Resources:
RN Program Information can be found by selecting the Informational Tutorial page. For Transcript Evaluation appointments call or email Amelia Sweeney, Nursing Counselor: 559-730-3728, or Lisa Brandis, Nursing Counselor: 559-730-3715,